Friday, November 24, 2006

Letter to Santa from Rachel

Dear Santa,

This year I would like another Dear Canada diary, I would also like a journal, and a dream life game for the T.V., I would like a FLY pen and some Fly paper. I would also like a Chat Now phone (X 2 in a pack) and a paint kit with every colour and special painting paper. Plus, Pirates of the Caribbean 2 dvd.

That is pretty much all I want!

Rachel Taylor
PS. What kind of cookies do you like?

Letter to Santa from Erica

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like Bratz, Teddy Bears, a purple drumset, a Karoke, clothes, polly pockets, some pajamas, books, cd, and a laptop or a desktop computer, and I would like Dreamlife and a Video Now video camera.
That is all I want for Christmas. Hope you like the cookies and milk.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Last Minute Science Fair Project

We thought we learned last year that Jacob has a habit of letting us know at the last minute that he has a project due. Apparently we didn't! To make matters worse, Jacob picked another electrical project..I guess he forgot that Nicole was a Chemical Engineer and not an Electrical Engineer. He is making a light which runs on magnets and shaking, not on batteries. Looks like it will be a busy two nights.