Saturday, January 06, 2007

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Finally..We have a new home

After a frantic week we finally have comes to terms with the owner of our new home. Our initial offer was rejected and we were a little stressed. We did not come in with our best offer but we figured a quick closing would be a plus. We were mistaken as the owner had already lowered the price and was not willing to go much lower.

Nicole started her new job today and the kids and I drove down this afternoon. At 6pm we put in a counter offer but were not optomistic. Instead, we took the kids and showed them the remaining 4 houses on our list, none of which were perfect but would have to do. While we were visiting the last house the phone call came in along with the news that our offer was accepted. Yeah! Now for the fun part...financing, lawyers, insurance, moving, and selling our own home in Bathurst.

Still, everyone seems happy with our new home. All of the kids will have their own bedrooms and the house is completely renovated with new appliances! I think we have to change the windows in the basement and maybe some cosmetic touch-ups but other than that we are good to go. Hopefully we will be able to keep this home in better shape than our last?

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year...2007

Welcome 2007 and good-bye 2006. This year will be memorable for our family. We move to a new city very soon, both Nicole and I start new jobs and Jacob, Rachel and Erica will be starting at new schools and making lots of new friends.

We had hoped to hear about the offer we put in on a new house today but the owner is living in Vancouver and speaks Korean so his agent had to e-mail him our offer and he would find someone to translate. Unfortunately, the agents e-mail server is down so we have no idea whether he accepted our offer or not. I guess later on today we will have a better on where we stand.

Tonight we had our traditional fondue and then watched the local New Year Celebration and then celebrated again an hour later with Dick Clark Live from Times Square. When the kids are all in their teens we will probably make the trek to New York City and join the million plus revellers in a once-in-a-lifetime celebration.