Monday, October 30, 2006

Pumpkin Picking

We grew 3 pumpkins this year in our pumpkin patch and actually planted them early enough that they grew a pretty good size. Unfortunately, Erica's rotted on the vine and Jacob's pumpkin tired of the three weeks of rain and was not too healthy when he picked it up...yuck!

After a trip to the grocery store for two more pumpkins, it was time to clean and carve. Naturally, Erica lasted until her hands touched the gooey stuff inside the pumpkin and then daddy had to finish the rest. Rachel relished cleaning her pumpkin and one could safely put it over their head as she scraped the insides completely out.

The kids each drew their design and then Nicole cut out the designs for them. Since it was late an we rushed the three off to bed, I forgot to take a picture of the finished product. Oh well, the pumpkins will be making their debut in less than 24 hours anyway.

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