Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summer Vacation - Day 2

We had a busy day today. Let's see, what went on. Chores were completed first thing in the am, then we out to Zeller's to look for a new bicylce for Jacob. He is at the ackward size of being too big for a 24 inch tire and too short for a 26 inch. We tried a few out but decided to shop around before making the purchase. We did buy a couple of kites which we should be able to use as it always seems windy in the west end of the city.

Then we went to the library and the kids picked up french and english books to read. The deal this summer is a penny a page, two cents for each french page. The kids need to work on their writing skills over the summer so I may figure out some way for them to write a small book report or something. It will be easy for Rachel but like pullimg teeth for Jacob and Erica.

After supper we actually managed to "fly" the kites, which I was never able to do when I was a child. Rachel's kite was too heavy and only took when we took it the beach and let the Bay of Fundy winds take it up to the sky.

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