Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A Day at the Mall

Jacob and I went half on a new portable DVD player, which came in really handy as I had to work at the store today whcih meant that the kids would have to spend the day at the mall. This mall is not that big so it is hard to keep them entertained (and quiet) for 5 or 6 hours. But, with a Niko automated video store in the mall, and a new DVD player, plus some popcorn from the Dollar Store...the kids actually enjoyed going to the mall for the day. Nicole picked them up at 2pm so it was only 4 hours at the store and they were very well behaved.

I think I spent more money than I made in wages though; lunch at the new restraunt in the mall was pricey, plus the kids made a few trips to the Dollar store. Oh well, I think my retail career is winding down anyway.

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