Saturday, July 01, 2006

A rainy Canada Day

I had to work nights this long week-end so we stayed decided to stay at Nicole's parents house and take in some of the Canada Day festivities. I was a little tired but managed to stay awake for the whole half an hour that it took for the parade to pass by. I suppose if you call a bunch of old cars and a one true float and one marching band of 10 kids a parade. I am not sure if this is occuring all across the country but I know the Canada Day parades in the 1970's were much better than this. Mind you, the kids enjoyed the parade because it was just like halloween as everyone in the parade were throwing out candies!

The rain held off long enough for the parade to end but then it was a downpour so we did not make it to any other activities. I slept, the kids ransacked their mameire's home (who were in Halifax)and Nicole watched tv.

At 6:45pm I drove over to the hospital for my first night working alone. It was nice only having to drive five minutes to work rather than the usual 60 minutes.

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